Aelyn Kim

Under bedsheets like rabbits do we crawl
with innocent eyes
far away from the words and shadows
of our illuminated world.

๐Ÿ‚About The Admin:๐Ÿ‚
39 years old // 03.11.1984

๐Ÿ‚Aelyn Kim๐Ÿ‚
Faceclaim: Kang Yeosang
Pronouns: He/Him
(depending on fc, always ask if clarification is needed)
Birthday: October 1stIC Age: 26Zodiac Sign: LibraPansexual (Male Lean)/Demisexuala/b/o: Omega (Heat every 14-16 days)Scent: Spring RainPosition: Bottom / SubJackalope Hybrid: (Brown and Gray lop-eared bunny with small antlers on his head)Special Traits/Abilities:
- Full and partial shifting into jackalope form.
-Fighting Instinct
-Enhanced Agility
-Enhanced Dexterity
-Enhanced Leap
-Enhanced Senses
-Enhanced Stealth
-Enhanced Speed
-Prey Instinct
-Super Bite
-Vocal Replication
Gender and Face Claim changes often (Temp Face Claims).Multi/Partner/Verse
Mirror Lit/Literate Text25+ RP Account, NO MINORS
Selective when choosing plotting partners

Aelyn's Home

Work: Executive Assistant At Lifestyle Magazine "Paramour Life"

๐Ÿ‚ Plotting Guidelines: ๐Ÿ‚
Open to most AU plots.
Feel free to discuss any plot ideas with me.Open to freeform plotting/Causal plotting.Feel free to ask for/send starters.Admin is 30+ and works. Replies may come scattered and inconsistently. Please be patient and understanding. Do not pressure admin or accuse them of ignoring you. RP is a hobby and real-life always comes first.

๐Ÿ‚ Black List: ๐Ÿ‚
All kinks are open to discussion and can vary and change between NSFW writing partners.

๐Ÿ‚ Rules: ๐Ÿ‚Selective: This means a few different things:I reserve the right to spend time with whoever I want. Sometimes I will have tons of energy to write with multiple people, sometimes a few, sometimes only one. Sometimes I will be active on TL only or not at all. THIS IS NOT PERSONAL. It is a reflection of my energy, muse, and mood.I am VERY selective about who I ship with. You need to have chemistry with my muse, show my muse you are interested in them for more than just NSFW plots, and be respectful about the fact that my character(s) is multiship.I will not take part in being guilt-tripped for spending time with someone. If you dislike that someone is getting attention from me then you are not respecting my multiship status.I will only roleplay with those I follow and who follow me back. I reserve the right to choose who I want to plot/smut with. This is not personal.Multiship: I will ship romantically/sexually with multiple people. Each ship is independent of the others (unless discussed otherwise). There is no cheating of any kind and I do not take part in infidelity plotting. If you are uncomfortable with me being multiship, kindly fuck off.
OC Friendly/Preferred: Original characters are loved and welcomed here!
Activity Level: This is a medium to low activity page and can vary from extremely active to not at all. RP is an escape and release for me. If I am not feeling well and am not present it 100% has nothing to do with you. I am busy, working, elsewhere, having a mood drop, etc.(Please note, sometimes I will feel like being on the timeline and not in DMs and vice versa. This is nothing personal and just has to do with energy and inspiration.)Writing Style: I write in third person and only in English. I don't often do illiterate/crack style RP unless I'm in a group chat/on the tl while in a hyper mood. All I ask is that you're literate. I DON'T DO ONE-LINERS. You will be unfollowed or soft blocked. No question. I can range from a few sentences to multiple paragraphs, just give me something to work with (ideally that provides a give and take to push a storyline or plot along- do not rely on me to completely drive a plot) and I'm happy.Content and Trigger Warnings: This account may at any time contain mentions of triggering topics such as topics relating to mental health, sex, and minimal violence. All potentially triggering posts will contain a trigger warning, but if you're uncomfortable interacting with an account that posts such things, this isn't the page for you.
Shipping: I will not write a ship with any admins under the age of 25. I do not force ships and would rather write platonic interactions than sacrifice a potential writing partner because we don't ship the same things.
NSFW: I will not write NSFW/smut with anyone under the age of 25. If we write smut and you'd like to stop or fade to black let me know, your comfort is important to me. I will do the same. I do have several kinks and hard limits, these are all open to discussion and should be discussed before participating in ANY kinks.While I am an NSWF smut writer I will not ONLY write those kinds of plots. I am a writer and there is more to me than smut. I want to create worlds, relationships, stories, and bonds with other writers.Group Chats: Do not add me into group chats without my consent.

Akio Lee
Officially shipped: 9/8/23
Alpha/My Beau/Dada

Romantic Interest:Sannie Lee"
"Star Daddy"
"My Pretty Star"

๐Ÿ‚PSA: Ships are not taken lightly.๐Ÿ‚Extreme Chemistry Only/Highly Selective They are only with extreme chemistry and understanding between muses and admins about the life balance of IC and OOC.Do not be offended if my muse does not want to ship with your muse. It is nothing against you as an admin, writer, or creative.
It takes time to get to know the muses mine eventually ships with (ships are never guaranteed or promised).
Sometimes building chemistry will take anywhere from weeks, months, or even years in real time to develop depending on the story being written.Nothing is rushed.Everything will progress naturally, organically, unforced, and at a comfortable speed for both writers.
100% not looking for any bleed-over from muses to admins.
Please respect that.